
trial planting Learn more about trial planting

  • China has achieved initial success in the introduction and trial of oil palm with overseas assistance.

    China has achieved initial success in the introduction and trial of oil palm with overseas assistance.

    A few days ago, the Rubber Institute of the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences sent good news from the South Pacific island nation of Vanuatu. China's first overseas oil palm introduction trial project has achieved initial success. Oil palm trees grow well, the forest is neat, and the fruit rate is high, the ear is large, and the fruit is full.

    2016-01-10 China overseas construction aid oil palm introduction trial planting acquisition preliminary
  • Wab181 (18 upland rice)

    Wab181 (18 upland rice)

    WAB181- 18 upland rice is a new upland rice strain bred by West Africa Rice Research Institute and stable in 1997. It was distributed to relevant countries by the Upland Rice Group of the International Rice Research Institute in the spring of 1998. The international upland rice trial observation nursery set up in Xinghua Company undertook the task of trial and observation. The characteristics and main advantages of this variety are as follows: 1. Very precocious. Sow on May 9, harvest on August 14, and the growth period is 97 days. In 1999, we continued to experiment and observe, sowing on May 2 and harvesting on August 6. The whole growth period is still 97 days, which is proposed by 15 countries.

  • Preliminary results of trial Culture of Hybrid Black Fish in Nanhu District, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province

    Preliminary results of trial Culture of Hybrid Black Fish in Nanhu District, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province

    Preliminary results of trial Culture of Hybrid Black Fish in Nanhu District, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province

  • Funing: successful trial planting of No-tillage Potato in Yulin Village

    Funing: successful trial planting of No-tillage Potato in Yulin Village

    In the field of Yulin Village Group of Naping Village Committee, Xinhua Town, Funing County, the author saw that the 50 mu no-tillage potato planting test model was growing satisfactorily, and the average yield per mu was 1543 kg measured by the technicians of the county agro-technical extension center. the no-tillage potato planting technology has been successful in Funing trial. The cultivation technique of no-tillage potato means that after the previous harvest, the seed potato is placed directly on the soil surface without ploughing and harrowing, and the seed potato is completely covered with farm manure or fine soil, and at the same time, chemical fertilizer is applied between two rows of seed potato, and then covered with straw and other materials, matching with appropriate fertilization and

  • Successful trial planting of new high-yield forage grass

    Successful trial planting of new high-yield forage grass

    Successful trial planting of new high-yield forage grass

  • Successful trial and planting of new purple sweet potato varieties introduced in Qingliu

    Successful trial and planting of new purple sweet potato varieties introduced in Qingliu

    Successful trial and planting of new purple sweet potato varieties introduced in Qingliu

  • Successful trial of new hybrid rice varieties of Honglian type

    Successful trial of new hybrid rice varieties of Honglian type

    Successful trial of new hybrid rice varieties of Honglian type

  • Successful human trial of potato hepatitis B vaccine

    Successful human trial of potato hepatitis B vaccine

    The hepatitis B virus invades the liver and kills about 500000 people every year. But traditional vaccines need to be refrigerated, which is difficult to do in remote areas of developing countries with warm climates. Medical workers often have to struggle to judge whether the expensive hepatitis B vaccine fails due to accidental heat during transportation. To this end, Arizona, USA

  • Successful trial planting of "Fruit and Radish" in Northeast China

    Successful trial planting of

    Successful trial planting of "Fruit and Radish" in Northeast China

  • State trial of Handan 284 cotton

    State trial of Handan 284 cotton

    Handan 284 cotton was selected and bred by Handan Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Hebei Province. it was approved by the National crop New Variety examination and approval Committee in 2001 and listed as a variety of "National Science and Technology key extension Plan" by the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2002. Xinxiang Xincheng seed industry has the right to develop and manage this variety in China. The variety was not sown on April 15-20 with plastic film mulching, and sown in open field on April 20-30, with 1600 plants per mu and 2000 plants per mu in dry and thin land. 1999 / 2000

  • Many varieties of cotton are said in the "national trial" (continued)

    Many varieties of cotton are said in the

    Characteristics: transgenic insect-resistant hybrid generation, the whole growth period of spring cotton planting in the Yellow River basin is 136 days. The plant is tower-shaped and loose, the plant height is 93.7 cm, the stem is hairy, the leaf is medium size, dark green, the wrinkles are obvious, the first fruit branch node is 6.5 nodes, the number of fruit branches per plant is 13.2, and the bolls per plant are 15.8; the boll is oval, the bell tip is obtuse, the single boll weight is 5.6 grams, the catkins are smooth, the seed finger is 10.4 grams, the lint percentage is 40.6%, and the pre-frost flowering rate is 90.5%. High resistance to Fusarium wilt, resistance to Verticillium wilt, high

  • Yumai 68

    Yumai 68

    It is selected by Henan Agricultural University, Junxian Agricultural Experimental Station, Junxian original seed Farm and Junxian seed Company. It was approved and named by Henan crop Variety approval Committee in 2000. In the seven regional trials of the super-high-yield Chunshui group in Henan Province, the average yield was 530.3 kg per 667m2, which was 2.16% higher than that of the control variety Yumai 18, ranking first. From 1999 to 2000, 11 trials of late sowing and precocious precocious group in Henan Province averaged 667 square meters per trial.

  • Heilongjiang trial planting "Northeast strange rice" successfully began to be popularized to farmers in the province.

    Heilongjiang trial planting

    Sitting on a pile of bulging rice bags, Jin Yushi, a farmer in Xiangfang District, Harbin, was very pleased with the bumper harvest of 8 mu of "strange rice in Northeast China" he planted this year. This year, the yield of some rice producing areas in Heilongjiang Province has been reduced due to low temperature and low light. However, some rice growers who apply new technologies and new varieties are still able to achieve high yields. Among them, rice farmers Jin Yushi, Zhang Zibin and others obtained a good harvest by accepting the advice and guidance of scientific and technological personnel, introducing "strange rice in Northeast China" and applying biotechnology such as "three agents and two fertilizers".

  • i You 86 (rice)

    i You 86 (rice)

    I-You 86 was bred by cross breeding between a new restorer line R8608(Gui 630/Fei-//Conggui 314/IR8608) bred by our institute and You IA bred by Hunan Hybrid Rice Research Center in 1995. After 4 years of trial planting from 1996 to 1999, the combination showed high and stable yield, good rice quality and multi-resistance, and its comprehensive characters were significantly better than those of control Shanyou 64, and its seed production yield was high. This office is based on Zhenshan 97A,

  • Chen Haifeng: for the bumper harvest of the earth and for the farmers to get rid of poverty

    Chen Haifeng: for the bumper harvest of the earth and for the farmers to get rid of poverty

    Chen Haifeng: for the bumper harvest of the earth and for the farmers to get rid of poverty

  • Successful trial planting of cantaloupe and other northern fruits Tianya melon and fruit smell floating in the north

    Successful trial planting of cantaloupe and other northern fruits Tianya melon and fruit smell floating in the north

    Successful trial planting of cantaloupe and other northern fruits Tianya melon and fruit smell floating in the north

  • Fujian trial rice 2008g02

    Fujian trial rice 2008g02

    Characteristics: the average growth period of the two-year regional test was 144 days, which was 5 days longer than that of Shanyou 63. The population is neat, the tillering ability is strong, the panicle is large and there are many grains, and the color is good in the later stage. The number of effective panicles per mu is 163000, plant height is 122.3 cm, ear length is 25.7cm, total grains per panicle is 195.2, seed setting rate is 85.12%, and 1000-grain weight is 27.1g. The two-year resistance to rice blast in Sanming was naturally induced in the field and identified as moderate resistance to rice blast. The results of rice quality test showed that the rate of brown rice was 79.2%, that of milled rice was 70.7%.

  • What are the latest high-yielding maize seed varieties?

    What are the latest high-yielding maize seed varieties?

    The main maize seed varieties with high yield are Longgao L2, Liangyu 99, Denghai 6702, Delinong 988, Zhongdan 909, Jundan 29 and Tunyu 808. the planting environment requirements of different varieties of corn are also different. here are some of these

    2020-11-10 The latest high-yield corn seeds varieties main to have which
  • "Golden taro" tea beans

    Since last year, Hangzhou Xiaoshan Strict dry grain crop non-grain development cooperation group began the introduction, trial planting and breeding of "tea beans", this year's breeding "golden taro" performance is good. According to Hangzhou a is agricultural development Co., Ltd. trial planting, growth potential prosperous, good commodity, excellent quality, high yield. According to investigation, the number of effective pods per plant increased by 6.85 pods compared with "Taiwan 75", and the bean yield increased by 16.7% compared with "Taiwan 75". The taste was sweet, crisp and fragrant, and the quality was better than "Taiwan 75". "Tea bean" because of its mature brown seed coat was named

  • Farmers are afraid to buy fake seeds and choose multiple varieties for trial planting: is it different from doing experiments?

    Farmers are afraid to buy fake seeds and choose multiple varieties for trial planting: is it different from doing experiments?

    Li Zhongming, a farmer from Qingan County, Suihua City, transferred to more than 10 dealerships in the seed market in Heilongjiang Province, but failed to select suitable seeds. Li Zhongming told the Economic Information Daily that his family has more than 4 acres (15 mu per hectare), which will be selected in recent years.

    2016-03-20 Farmers afraid buy fake seed choose more variety trial planting follow